Grand Opening of the Boulder Crest Retreat for Military and Veteran Wellness

Image:  Dana Bowman, Veteran & double leg amputee, parachuting in on grand opening.
Image: Dana Bowman, Veteran & double leg
amputee, parachuting in on grand opening.

VMSI employees support grand opening

The much anticipated and nearly 4 year process to raise funds, complete construction and the opening of the Boulder Crest Retreat for Military and Veteran Wellness, just outside our nation’s capital in Bluemont, VA was celebrated on September 16th, 2013.

Many VMSI employees were at Boulder Crest the day of the grand opening volunteering their time to assist with the grand opening. VMSI employees are still talking about what a privilege it was to assist so many people participating in the ceremonies—a beautiful late summer day in the picturesque, historic town of Bluemont, VA. There were 400+ incoming veterans, families, dignitaries, and supporters who attended the opening ceremonies.

Image:  Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Winnefeld providing opening remarks.

Image: Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
Admiral Winnefeld providing opening remarks.

The key note speaker, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Winnefeld, delivered a remarkable, unforgettable and touching presentation. Skydivers, led by double leg amputee, Dana Bowman parachuted, above all our heads, bringing in the American Flag. It was an emotional event for all attendees!

Image:  Ken & Julia Falke, ribbon cutting ceremony at grand opening.

Image: Ken & Julia Falke, ribbon cutting ceremony at grand opening.